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There is nothing in a caterpillar that suggest its going to be a butterfly

- Buckminster Fuller

We need all sorts of movement to achieve personal wellness. Yoga is an important component of your movement nutrition. When you stretch and yawn you may notice how good it feels to harness (own, express) these natural and intuitive movements. So imagine what a weekly class could offer to your life?


Yoga poses are shapes. It’s simple, but not often practiced. A regular class to see and feel what has been missing is an essential tool to your personal wellness. Through demonstration, cueing and personalized adjustments, we practice yoga to reach those places we otherwise lose touch with. Working with accessible movements, delivering modifications and offering props is central to being comfortable in these shapes.


Since my 250 hour yoga teacher training in 2010, I continue to grow my practice both as a student and teacher. Some highlights of my journey include working with amazing teacher, such as Donna Martin, Gioia Irwin and Diane Bruni, teaching on Hornby Island and right here at home. It’s an honour to offer quality programs at an affordable price.


Jenny M. Berg

- Yoga Nidra - Yoga Therapy Module

My work off the mat is primarily in forest ecology. I have spent the last four years work with dendrochronology, which is the study of tree rings.


I enjoy my time in the field, identifying plants, characterizing habitat and observing stand dynamics.   This year I will be organizing tree walks in Victoria by donation.


If your interested in my skills as a biologist you can find me on LinkedIn.


© 2016 by JennyM. Berg.  Web Design by VedaWorks

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